When I go out junkin (the blanket term used at my house for Mom’s love of hunting) I have a few staple items that I’m always on the lookout for. One of them is carnival chalk ware, specifically dogs, but I have branched out to religious pieces as well over the last few years. There are basically two main types of chalk ware, earlier European and carnival. The first being nicer, more detailed display pieces and the second being exactly what it sounds like. It was the prize you won at a carnival before the stuffed animal days. The history behind these pieces brings to mind the old fashioned carnival days, I can almost taste funnel cakes and candied apples. Back in the days where the prize you won wasn’t something you could go around the corner to Walmart and buy for ¼ of the price it cost you to win it in the first place. These carnival prizes ooze nostalgia, a simpler time. Plus, I’m a dog lover, so put the two together and I am sold. I feel confident that my craze for chalk ware hasn’t caught on as the latest trend because, quite frankly most of these pieces are kind of ugly. (for the record, there are some REALLY beautiful pieces too) The ones I like are often lacking in detail with loud fluorescent color paint. They were made for the masses in their day. I can totally see how one could be turned off. I saw this disdain firsthand on a recent junk outing. I ran into a friend at Round Top who was shopping with her girlfriend. As we shared stories of our exciting finds of the day, they asked what I had purchased. Like a kid at Christmas I reached into my bag and excitedly unfolded the wrapping off my latest chalk ware score.
As I uncovered my treasure I could see the friend’s mind growing quite curious. “so…where do you think you’ll put that in your home? Do you have a spot for it?” she asked doubtfully. I could see right then and there she thought I was off my rocker. She was obviously not as pumped as I was. Like I said, I kind of get it. I mean if I were to decorate with one just sitting alone, by itself it would look poor and pitiful. I’m sure it’s flaws would be overly obvious. Everyone would see it the same way this lady saw it.
But…I like to take these statues and nest them among complimentary pieces in different settings around my house. They add depth, character, color and life to some would be dull vignettes. I love them. I would have to agree though, they don’t look their best sitting alone. It is hard to imagine their beauty in the bright sunlight.
Over the years I have found that I’m a lot like decorating with chalk ware. We are called to be among others.
Hebrews 10:24-25 says and let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Let us not give up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but let us encourage one another – and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
When I get in a funk, a bad rut, I tend to retreat from others. I give up meeting together. In that place of aloneness all my flaws are highlighted and the enemy attacks. I feel as ugly as chalk ware looks to most.
It is imperative to get back out there and surround myself with believers so our colors and gifts can lift each other to a better place than we can ever stand alone. If you are trying to decorate your world all by yourself and you have given up fellowship with people I urge you to go out today and allow others to enjoy you, spur you on and encourage you. Not only will you pull your world together a bit, you will brighten theirs! If you happen to be one who is happily tucked in among believers, invite someone in. Help pull them out of their dark aloneness and into His light. Meet together! I think you’ll agree…it looks much better this way…
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
Hebrews 10:24-25
Love your analogy! Great reminder …
thanks anne!
I love how you see the best in things and people!!
Love these words Kim…needed it today!
Beautiful. I love that you are sharing the words The Lord is breathing into you. They certainly are soothing to my soul. ❤️
thanks friend!
This is very inspiring, Kim!! Thank you for sharing. I think your chalk ware always looks wonderful in your home. I have always loved how you decorate. I am very proud to have you as my sister-in-love!!
Beautiful words from a beautiful person.
Wow, just what I needed to hear. Certainly been retreating lately
so glad to be an encouragement. Hope you are well friend
Love this. And you!
What a great picture of belonging and needing fellowship, Kim!
Love the creative picture here in this post today~
thanks Melanie!
I too love tacky carnival chalkware! Extra glitter…please!
yay – I’m not sure I’ve met many who share my love! So glad to have found you!
Thank you for these insightful and helpful words. As a widow I constantly need to ask the Lord’s help to keep me from self-pity and/or isolation and each time I choose to reach out and stay involved I’m blessed by it!
Thank you for sharing. I have been retreating of late. You’ve put words to my feelings & encouraged me to reach out.
Reaching out can be so hard but being around people REALLY helps, even if it is getting out by yourself and going to busy places, but much better to reach out to a friend. Blessings to you
Kim, I also have bought many chalk ware pieces and also saved pieces from my childhood 65 years ago! I classify them as “strange and interesting” , and they do fit into “just the right place”. I have a really old chalk ware seahorse living behind the glass in my desk’s bookcase right now. I wish I know more about them-when they first began and where & mfg. Your big ones are excellent! You are always a welcome surprise + now you bring up things we had forgotten about! Take care. Nancy
They are definitely strange and interesting. The article in Flea Market Décor was good, gave a little history you would like. It’s always fun to find a new one, but it certainly takes a particular heart to appreciate them!
I showed my husband your article with a straight face. By the time I broke into laughter he was too. Junkin’ has been my love for years and his headache. I love every item I’ve bought even if I had to let them go later. Thank you for reminding me I’m not alone in my pursuit of “junk”.
I love this and love that you two can laugh at your passion! Not everyone gets it and that is totally OK – more junk for us lol!!!!
I love the little figurines and how you find placements for them.. I have some figurines that most probably think are ugly when they come to my house…But my grandma made them from porcelain or ceramic. I was really close to her and could never get rid of them. They are placed very strategically with a plant hanging over them to hide some of the flaws.
display and decorate for you and your family only! Treasures like that are the best!
I love your chalk pieces! I think they are beautiful! I love what you have to say about isolating yourself. I have dealt with depression for 15yrs so it can be hard to deal being around other people. I always feel less of myself because of it. I always think people get tired of me because of it. So I tend to isolate myself because of it. It can be so much easier to just stay home. Right now I am dealing with waiting for spinal surgery which has been put on hold right now because of the virus.So isolating myself is all the more easier. I am truly blessed with a wonderful husband who has been with me through it all .Your thoughts and verses have given me encouragement.Blessings to you!❤️
I am so sorry friend, depression is hard, I know I have walked through it personally. I am lifting you in prayer today and I hope you get to have your surgery soon and that it brings you comfort. Hang in there friend.