The One Picture Every Home Should Have
I can remember walking the fields at Round Top a while back, on the hunt for another piece of artwork to add to my collection. My girlfriend and I were talking about how she is “a good Catholic” and doesn’t even have the last supper hanging in her house…every Catholic has one of those right? We were joking, but it was funny that when she stopped to think of it she didn’t have a single picture of Jesus in her home. I on the other hand, may have swung the pendulum a little far in the fact that I have a Jesus wall.
My Jesus wall is a favorite spot of mine, I hunt for different scenes on different “canvases” to make up a spectacular gallery wall. It was like most collections, started with just one and slowly grew. I don’t add as many now because I have so many of the common stories already, but I always keep my eyes peeled for a new addition when out hunting. There are some pictures I love more than others, I am partial to the ones with a young Jesus, a calendar I might have passed up but it was from the year I was born and a bendy Jesus that is silly but makes me smile.
Neither the lack of or the overabundance of Jesus pictures in my girlfriend’s or my house reflects the presence of him in our hearts, but it did get me to thinking. Everyone should have at least one picture of Jesus in their home. At least everyone that loves him and desires to follow him. Believe me, I understand that a picture is a grand guess at His real appearance and a mere substitute, but it helps me in my faith walk. Decisions can be hard to make, doing right is not always fun and showing grace when you want to spit nails is really a doozy. It can seem easier to call a friend and lament your woes than it is to get on your knees. Talking out your troubles with a friend over coffee sometimes feels better than throwing up prayers to one you can’t physically see.
A few years ago I had a tough decision to make, I wanted to be right, I wanted to be unwavering, I wanted to show no grace. In the midst of me pacing the house and fuming I walked down the hall to my laundry room where my Jesus wall waits. Trust me, I was NOT going to Jesus, I was headed to do laundry. One picture in particular reached out and grabbed me. As I had the opportunity to look my creator in the eyes so to speak my anger and frustration melted. I knew in that moment the event I was so sore over was nothing in the light of the Lord. When I stopped to sit literally in his presence, eyes starring at me, I couldn’t be mad, I couldn’t be right, I could see the trivialness in my stance. This was the picture that did it for me, yours may be a different one…
Ever since then those eyes pop into my head sometimes when my heart steers towards myself, all of a sudden my attitude becomes right and my vision becomes clear. I wish I could say it happens all the time, but it doesn’t. When it does, the vision helps me weigh the gravity of a situation in the light of eternity versus the light of the present and friend, that’s a game changer. I have gone back multiple times to this picture and talked things out. Sometimes out loud if I’m home alone. 🙂 For a visual person like myself it really makes a difference to put a piercing face with the name so to speak.
There is rest and calm in his eyes that is no where else to be found. If you are visual like me, can I please suggest you go hunting for a picture of Jesus that speaks to you? It’s possibly the most important picture you can have in your home. I’m so hopeful this little tip I found out by way of the ugliness in my heart will help you find peace in the future! There are just some things we need to let go.
I ♥ your Jesus wall!
thank you 😉
Such perfect inspiration to start my week! Bless your heart. I needed that.
Now I have to decide which wall to make my Jesus wall and start the hunt.
Thank you for sharing another joyful post.
Hope your week is great Tracie and can’t wait to hear how the hunt goes! Happy seeking
We all need Jesus and I ❤️ Love your wall. I found a special one when we were cleaning my MIL’s house. I’ll send you a picture. HE watches over us. Thanks for the reminder to “ look him in the eyes’ and talk to him.
I would love to see it DI, I have that vision etched in my memory and recall it often.
I have Hofmann s picture of Jesus at 33 I love this picture and have Jesus not only on my wall but in my heart I love Him with everything that’s in me.
me too Linda, I don’t have that picture, but I definitely need to add it to my collection…something new to look for!
So sweet of you to give Him a special place in your house and so important to give Him a special place in your heart! Love the wall!
Yes – heart is the place for him first and foremost, but the wall is a wonderful spot to reflect and connect on another level! Thanks Susan
I have had the same picture hanging on my refrigerator for 45 years. I hung it in the first house my husband and I brought. We have had different houses and different refrigerators, but the picture remain.
I love this! What a wonderful testament. He is truly with you through everything 🙂
love your thoughts and witness! and your Jesus wall!
Thank you, I love Him 🙂
I need this. I’ve always been a fan of your Jesus wall. It’s so inspiring and fun…just like you! Xoxo
I love your wall. I have a picture or two but have never really thought of putting them all together for a grouping! Duh. This will be changing thanks to your post! I love Jesus,and what he has done for me, if it wasn’t for his Grace, I don’t know where I would be!! Thanks:)
Hi Kim…while I appreciate your tender heart and sincerity, utilizing images as an aid to worship the triune God and to facilitate prayer is a church tradition not founded upon the Word of God. It is a direct violation of the 2nd Commandment which reads,
“You shall not make for yourself a carved image, or any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth. You shall not bow down to them or serve them, for I the LORD your God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, but showing steadfast love to thousands of those who love me and keep my commandments.” Exodus 20:4-6 This includes man made images of Jesus, icons of saints, statues of Mary, etc. God has chosen to reveal himself in the Bible alone, his Word.
And then in John 4:23-24 Jesus says, “But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshippers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him. God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth.”
And lastly, Hebrews 11:1 “Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”
Hi Judy,
I appreciate your thoughtful response. I have to say, I hardly worship the pictures of Jesus on my wall, they are merely an outward sing of a heartfelt love. They are not my idol. The truth is Jesus did walk the earth, he is the flesh image of God and people did see him. (He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. Colossians 1:15) Variations of his likeness have been passed down through generations and as my wall reflects they are all interpretations of various people who love the Lord. I believe many people like to imagine what Christ was like, what he looked like and sounded like, out of reverent love for our maker and a desire to be in deeper relationship with him. It is human nature. I worship him 100% in truth and spirit, but I will also welcome anything that grows my relationship with Christ. For me on this particular occasion and many others, this picture has helped right my wayward, sinful brain. It was not the picture but the holy spirit, I am well aware, but for me the picture is a reminder of Christ and a trigger point to right a wrong. The picture can do nothing alone, in the same way filling a church pew on Sunday can not save you either. A picture of my parents on a bookshelf does not replace a relationship, nor do I worship them. Many things in my house are a reminder of him, they just don’t happen to be a picture of him. I have a giant pinecone on my table that reminds me of the abundance of God, but I do not worship the pinecone, I worship God for his generous provision. If I met Jesus today I would have no qualms about the pictures in my hallway, he knows my heart above all. It is unfortunate that we see things differently on this matter, but I am always grateful to stretch my faith, so thank you for that. I am certain you and I see eye to eye in the fact that we would never want to lead someone astray or allow someone to go astray on such dire matters.
Your response is so right on. God has truly blessed you. Thank you for your words of wisdom.
thank you and indeed he has
There’s a good reason why the Scriptures don’t give a physical description of Jesus other than in Isaiah 53:2-3 – “he had no form or majesty that we should look at him and no beauty that we should desire him. He was despised and rejected by men; a man of sorrows and acquainted with grief; and as one from whom men hide their faces he was despised, and we esteemed him not.” We are commanded to “walk by faith and not by sight” 2Corinthians 5:7.
Hi Kim, Thank you for the reminder that we are to look to Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith. Seeing the pictures helps us to remember that He is with us and in us. I love your Jesus wall. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks Barbara, Unfortunately we all need reminders, the world screams distractions all the time and I might be wrong but I am for anything that draws us back closer to him!
I am glad I read your post because I have a good old picture of Jesus… but I don’t like looking at it because I feel he may not look like that.It looked like one you have got of Jesus & it’s the only look I will ever know here on earth is how we think he looks like. I am going to think about your post more & look at my picture of Jesus. Thanks for sharing your wall of Jesus. I might try & copy it.(lol) Many Thanks~
SO glad my wall encouraged you and yes, we will not know exactly what Jesus looks like this side of heaven, but imagining him sure makes me love him and relate to him more, I guess that’s why he walked in flesh, so we could see and feel him and know he has been in our shoes. what a blessing and kind God we serve. Blessings to you today friend!
Kim, I am always so uplifted when I read of the strength of your faith. You continue to set such a wonderful example for us … now, I sincerely appreciate your suggestion to have pictures of Jesus in our homes.
I will soon be looking for our first picture. The picture itself will not be worshipped ~ but will be a reminder that God is always within our hearts and throughout our home. It might share space with many crosses we have gathered through the years … each of those a reminder of Jesus dying for our sins. Such a thought filled suggestion, Kim … Blessings
Thank you Kathleen, I am glad my faith encourages you but I promise it struggles daily and putting myself out here is not always easy for me. I guess I just know it’s what I am supposed to do and the rest is up to him. I appreciate your encouragement and kind words, they make such a difference to me. thank you, kim
thanks so much for sharing your “Jesus Wall”. I had one too at my old house in my studio, but now just a few up in our new home. (not much wall space). Best thing is you are not afraid to share it with everyone. Blessings, Debra
thanks Debra – well I don’t think anyone has to have a wall, but in your heart is all that matters!
I don’t have a Jesus wall but he lives in my heart and soul. This was an uplifting post.
no Jesus wall necessary 🙂 so glad he is in your heart and you enjoyed the post!
As a Catholic I have my Divine Mercy image of Jesus on my frig. I sense it makes some family and friends uncomfortable-which I truly do not understand. I also have vintage statues from home in my bedroom and stair landing. They are holy REMINDERS– not to be worshiped. I think your wall is awesome! Thanks for your courage in your post.
I bet your picture is lovely, I can tell some people think I am crazy when they round the corner in my house and see my wall…but oh well, it’s my house I guess! Thank you so much for sharing!
Thank you, Kim for opening up your heart and sharing your relationship with and faith in Jesus. Don’t be intimidated or allow yourself to be judged – go with your feelings and love of Christ. My favorite image of Jesus is the one by child prodigy Akiane Kramarik. After reading and seeing the movie “Heaven is Real” that image is the one I visualize when
Thank you so much for your encouragement Debbie. I love that picture as well and the story behind it makes it extra special!!!
I love this, Kim! I definitely need a Jesus picture and today in particular I needed this. I’m currently in the spitting nails phase and this was a great reminder to give it to him.
so glad it helped you Amy – that nail spittin biz is for the birds!!!
I found your story very, dare I say, entertaining! It wasn’t at all what I was expecting and it was also moving. Thanks for sharing. I gravitate towards churches; pictures, nightlights, birdfeeders
🙂 gwingal
lol – I am glad you stumbled across it and enjoyed it! I too love churches, they are so gorgeous!!!
I love this. We have some around but not all together like yours. What a wonderful reminder! Thank you for sharing!
thank you Susan, they ended up being easier to put together than all over!
Just watched you ‘live FB’ feed. I didn’t know you had a blog, so had to check it out…I’m always makes wonder ‘why’ when people leave critical comments on blogs…following a social media site is a choice, not an obligation. Well anyway, I just wanted to applaud you strength of character to respond graciously.
I agree, it is very easy to hide behind a screen. I do believe it is good to challenge and ask questions as this reader was doing, but I have had many other ugly comments that simply aren’t necessary. I think people forget sometimes there is a real person behind the project or whatever they are lashing out against.
Wow, I really love your Jesus wall. When I first saw your FB live I didn’t think I heard right and wasnt sure what I’d think. I have to say, I really like it!
I’m so sorry someone else tried to make you feel that having a simple picture or 10 ???? goes against scripture. Jesus knows what’s in our hearts so please don’t lose any sleep over it. And I got the chills when you talked about your dream, your friend, and Romans ❤
Thank Toni – this has been a great week of stretching my faith and causing me to look inward and upward, so I am thankful for that! No sleep lost here 😉
I coextensive birds, bunnies and sheep but I do not worship them. I love my little flock all around my house. They are precious reminders that we are like the sheep. We are not the smartest creatures and need our shepherd just like the sheep do. I want to hunt for a picture of Jesus as the shepherd with His sheep. Psalm 23 is one of my favorite scriptures because I feel as a Christian it covers so much reminding us that Jesus is with us and won’t forsake us no matter what we are going through and that WE NEED HIM. I’ve learned that it’s not always about asking Him to take away the trial but that He goes “through” it with us. We are never alone if we have our savior. I love you Jesus wall. I too have heard people say not to have images or statues of our Lord. I’ve also heard said not to have crosses in home decor items or jewelry because He is no longer on the cross. I personally know I’m not worshipping the pictures, items or jewelry. They are simply reminders of His great sacrifice and amazing love for me. There are many religions that do worship statues. Sadly they are deceived for there is only one true gospel and that is the gospel of Jesus Christ and Him crucified. I surely love your blog and all your other posts. Thank you for sharing your heart Kim.
I agree Lisa – such beautiful reminders for a visual girl like me, the pictures hold no value and I do not worship them but the ONE they represent. We all worship in different ways, but as long as our heart belongs to the Lord those differences should not be dividers. Blessings to you!
Aww…Kim, I love your heart and your Jesus wall. What a sweet way to honor your Lord and Savior. We display images of our beloveds-children, spouse, parents, other relatives, and friends. Who is more worthy of his picture on our walls than the One who sacrificed All that we may have life in abundance? Thank you for your thought-provoking posts. I sense a devotional book or Bible study guide written by you on the horizon. God bless you, precious friend!
That is so sweet and this picture truly makes all the difference