I had fun building this DIY bug house from scrap wood, but when I got residents before I was even finished then I was REALLY excited!
When I traveled to France and Amsterdam last year I was inspired by some natural bug houses I saw in the gardens there and have wanted to make one ever since. Here is a picture of one of the bug houses I saw:
These little houses are perfect for allowing good bugs to take up residence in your garden. I gathered a bunch of scrap wood and a tree branch, then found some bamboo off in a neighborhood close by. My son actually told me about it, he sees it every day on his bus route. How cute is that? I’m not sure how he even knew what Bamboo was, but he is very observant and lead me straight to it!
I spent some time cutting Bamboo and logs then drilling various size holes in the logs to make little apartments for my friends. I set aside the little house, needing to go out and gather some more material when my boys came in the house telling me we had bugs!
They were not too delighted with this facts because we had solitary bees and they don’t want to get stung! I, on the other hand, was delighted. I moved the little house to a part of the yard that buzzing bees wouldn’t bother anyone and now all is well.
The solitary bees buzz around from hole to hole until they find one just the right size then they crawl in it and make a little nest and seal it up. See the sealed up hole next to the one with the bee? The process is so cool to watch, I’m a total nature nerd, I love stuff like this!
You can make a bug house out of scrap wood too, simply build a frame and add a back then fill with different textures and materials you find locally. Of course I added some of my favorite picket fence pieces because it has to be cute too! I will finish my bug house later and until then I can’t wait to see the life it brings! (We built this wall trellis! Directions here) Don’t forget to pin this for later!
Amazing! I didn’t realize we needed to make them some holes ????????
aren’t they precious, I am seriously in love with this project. It is not the cutest thing I’ve ever made, but I LOVE the purpose!
I would love to learn more about them and also the benefits of having one.
You made a home for Leaf Cutter Bees, which are not aggressive…. unless their nests are threatened. They chew holes in leaves and use the leaves to make their nests and then seal up the entrance hole so their eggs can hatch undisturbed. Leaf Cutter Bees are far better at pollinating than Honey Bees and so far have didged the virus that is decimating the Honey Bees across the country! So good job making them a home, one last tip, they like their homes to face the morning sun…. just like me! 🙂
this is so awesome, thank you for sharing your knowledge!!! What fun!
What did you use for the sticks with holes? I need to get or make some. Thanks!
It’s bamboo!