I feeI like I've said this a lot lately, but 4th of July is such a fun holiday to decorate for, and I just happen to love it for that reason! It's so easy to throw up a few simple things in your home and call it a day-- plus it's just a good time of year! I mean, compared to Christmas decorating, 4th of July Decor is a breeze! For Christmas, we have a lot of "traditional" decor and even though I love that, don't get me wrong-- it can be daunting when it's time to decorate! And this feels nothing ... continue reading...
Pot & Planter Updates For Spring And Summer
I am all about budget-friendly decor that looks curated and beautiful! We don't have to sacrifice a gorgeous home for money in our wallet, we can have both! All it takes is a little creativity and time! For Summer, I love nothing more than having plants all around my home! It kind of brings the inside and the outside together, and in my opinion, just makes everything mesh better! With that being said though, I definitely don't want to buy a new pot or planter every time I want to get a ... continue reading...
4 Ways to Style a Vintage Vignette
You guys-- Vignettes are the BEST thing ever! And if you know me, you know I can't resist a vignette!!! Honestly, the description "vignette" is so broad and can mean SO many things, you may have vignettes alllllll over your home and not even know it! Who knows, maybe you love vignettes but you haven't realized yet!! Either way, vignettes are so easy and fun, because there's really no rules! It's all about the items you love and want to show off, and it can be made up of so many ... continue reading...
Vintage Summer Decor For The 4th Of July
I'll be the first to say, I LOVE decorating for EVERY holiday and season! I will admit I don't always go all-out, but I'm all about having little touches here and there to spark a little joy! And obviously, VINTAGE! Do I even need to explain how much I love to incorporate that into my everyday decor???? It's my favorite!!! The fourth of July is definitely one of those Holidays that I know not everyone decorates for, and maybe it doesn't always feel like the most EXCITING to decorate ... continue reading...
Interior Door Updates
I looove to make little upgrades to my home here and there, big or small! Sometimes it simply means moving a few pictures around, or some furniture, but it could also mean wallpapering an entire room or section of my home, or buying a new couch! You never know with me-- all I do know really is that I LOVE to change things up! One thing often forgotten about though, is the doors! Even now, in my home, all of the doors are pretty much as they came! And don't get me wrong, there's ... continue reading...
Vintage Hunting Bedroom For My Teen Boy
For a while Sadler has been asking to decorate his room. Come see how this vintage hunting bedroom for my teen boy turned out! He is a happy camper and so is mom, so WIN! Here's how we started out... My boys love all things outdoor, hunting, fishing, and nature in general, so of course, he wanted that kind of "theme" for his room. Here's the deal - I always want my family to feel happy in their space, to feel free to be who they are and that goes with decorating as well. If you have a man ... continue reading...
DIY Watermelon Decor For Summer
I am definitely a Fall girl-- but I do love me some Summer! It may be my second favorite season if I had to put them in order, but it really is hard to do that, they all have their things, you know! There's good and bad things about any and every season, but the warm sunshine and late nights of Summer definitely have a piece of my heart! The biggest problem I always run into with Summer is the decor! Fall, Winter, and Spring have so many fun holidays between Halloween, Christmas, ... continue reading...
The Worst Thing About Blanco, Texas
We did a fun little road trip to Blanco, Texas and I'm here to tell you all about it. I'm going to fill you in on things to do in Blanco, but I will also tell you the worst thing about Blanco if you stick with me for a minute. In case you have no clue where in the world this tiny little Texas town is, it sits smack dab in the middle of the hill country and is an easy drive from all the hill country hot spots like Fredricksburg, Marble Falls, Austin, New Braunfels, San Antonio and ... continue reading...
Floral Gallery Wall
I've been wanting to create a floral gallery wall for a while now. It just seems kinda dreamy and feminine and you guys know, I am adding those kinds of touches to my home these days! So when I ran across a gorgeous, original chalk piece in Round Top a couple months ago, I knew it was a sign from the Heavens to get started! And from that point, the hunt was on for the perfect pieces to complete my dream wall! At this point in time, I still wasn't 1000% sure where it was going to go, ... continue reading...