Here is a Valentine’s Day hot chocolate bar tiered tray that can take you from Christmas to Valentine’s Day with ease.
One of my favorite things to do is snuggle up to my kids with a movie and hot chocolate. Especially my youngest. He and I are simpatico on the hot chocolate love. And he is the best snuggler, he sits close to, almost too close and I love it. I know I will miss those special moments when the kids are all grown and moved on.
That being said, I wasn’t ready to take down the hot chocolate bar when Christmas crawled back into the attic, so I shifted. It’s pretty easy to do if you have some good basic foundation pieces. I left all the jars and red things because they made sense and cruised on into the Valentine season easily. I had a fun time with the breakfast table and back door too! You can see more of them HERE!
One thing I did add was some fabric to the jar lids, it was a fun way to add a softness and spice them up at the same time.
I used some print outs from the Valentine’s Day Graphic Bundle that is in my Mercantile (you can grab it here). I just Mod Podged them to carboard to make tiny little sign s to tuck into the mix. So quick and easy.
I also added some tea towels for softness, cute dishes plus dollar store signs and flowers.
Let’s not forget the paper hearts I made last year – they made an appearance this year too! I love these little cuties because they can go anywhere!!! I also tried to make some fun new shapes by melting down our leftover candy canes from Christmas. We always have a ton left over because we decorate the tree with them. I had big intentions of sharing a tutorial, but I haven’t quite mastered the art yet, so maybe next year – LOL! You can see what I ended up with below. They are cute but I don’t have a good system down just yet!
Most of all I love having a spot that is cute AND functional! Do you have a hot chocolate or coffee spot? I’d love to see it. Now I’m off to pick out some new movies we can watch…
I really like your hot chocolate display.
With the colder temperatures here in Texas that hot chocolate sounds really good right about now.
I agree and I am thinking with the weather we have coming it will be un full use! Stay worm friend!
Hi, Kim!
Love your decor ideas and all the home and personal encouragement you share! I saw in a previous post the name of your dishes and I wonder if you could share that again, please. I love them. Thank you! And I wish you well on your own journey; I’ve been there and it is incredibly difficult but also one of the times I learned the most about myself.
I wish you blessings and peace.
I really do love these dishes! Here is a link to the collection, they are out of a few things, but also have new stuff! enjoy!