I’m about to unleash the best tip on finding what your looking for. It’s so simple, yet so profound.
If you’ve been here a minute you know strolling the fields at Round Top or making tracks around town to garage sales are my very favorite things to do.
The biggest comment I get from people about this line of hunting is, “It’s too overwhelming, I don’t know what to look for.”
It’s different than a department store all nicely divided into sections. Clothes neatly hung in an orderly fashion, home goods displayed in the back. It’s easy to see how looking over piles of junk and miscellaneous items can be intimidating. You may have a laundry list of items you’re looking for but with all the stuff assaulting you, it’s hard to see anything.
Sometimes, even when you want to look for a lot and soak in everything you happen upon, you have to narrow your sights. Looking for a new armoire and a replacement tea cup all at the same time is havoc for your eyes. They aren’t the same size, won’t likely be in the same spot and don’t really even go together. At least for me it’s just too much to process all at once.
My golden nugget of advice: pick one. Pick one thing to focus on and you are way more likely to find it. It starts with a priority list. Once you scour a garage sale or completely assess a booth for that one thing, you can move on. Either with it in hand or still on the top of your list. If you don’t find what you’re searching for stay at it with tenacity. If you do find your goal then you easily move on to the next item on your list. I know this from experience. I have walked right past treasures I was searching for, caught up in the enormity of goods laid out before me, only to have a friend point out what I missed. I wasn’t focused on any one thing, therefore all slipped by. I enjoyed the view, but gained nothing.
This same advice works for your bible. It’s a big book filled with a ton of information. It can be so overwhelming, hard to understand and easy to pass right over treasures of truth. How often do you read entire passages only to look up and not really have an applicable take away? Do you even know what it is you’re looking for? Truths about marriage may not be tucked in nicely next to fighting an addiction. And where do you even look for information on those things anyway? The bible is clearly labeled with chapter and verse, but the roadmap gets a little blurry after that.
My advice: pick one. Pick one topic you want to grow your knowledge in and go after it hard. It might be learning what the bible says about being a Godly wife, mentoring others, finances, grief or joyfulness. Whatever thing you set your sights on will stand out loud and clear instead of getting lost in the verses blazing by. This simple concept has helped me read the bible with a different filter. It’s often a filter that changes with stages of life. You have to start with a goal in mind, a deep desire to learn and grow in knowledge that holds eternal value. Then you hunt. You ask around, you read the cross references and commentaries, you exhaust resources until you find what you’re looking for.
As I search the text for specific meaning to where I am in my journey I soak up what God has for me today. When I feel filled up on a topic I move to the next. Sometimes topics come back around, hungry for more knowledge. It’s like a never ending shopping list that you never really complete. And that’s a good thing! We will never stop having more to learn and search out.
Our seasons of life promise to change, our focus will shift and problems will come and go. The good news is the bible will always hold the answer to any subject we desire to know more about and there will always be another garage sale on the horizon!
What is the one thing you want to hunt for today? I’d love to hear if you guys do this already, or have any advice for me. I love new ways to filter through things!
I like the idea of picking a topic and going for it in the Bible. Right now, it’s “perseverance.” I think I will do a search on it now – thank you! I needed to read this to organize my thoughts…thanks Kim! ❤️????????❤️
you could write the book on perseverance! Can’t wait to see what he reveals!
Excellent ideas all the way around! The junkin’ thing is definitely overwhelming but I can see how focusing on one thing at a time would help! My first trip to Round Top was last fall. Wow! So want to plan another trip there!
As far as the Bible, you are spot on here too! It is amazing, no matter where you are reading, except maybe Numbers… 😉 if there is something weighing heavy on your heart, God will speak to you through that passage. It has happened so often to me! Thanks for the encouragements!
lol…numbers is rough. but I agree God can show wisdom through all kinds of scripture! It’s so amazing really. Let me know if you head to Round Top again!
Would love to meet in person someday! We have two sons living in College Station now! You never know! We hope to make it to Round Top again soon!
That would be so fun! WHOOP, go AGS!
Hey Kim,
Great post today!
I love studying the Bible one topic at a time. In fact, I’m going through my concordance this year, studying one word at a time.
And, I think my best way to find something at one of these markets is to go with you!! You are awesome!
Hope you have a blessed day~
lol – thanks Melanie! It really helps to focus on one word. You do a great job of being super specific on a topic, always blessed by your ministry
Recently I’ve really tried to be more intentional with my Bible, especially concerning prayer requests. I’ll jot down what someone asked me to pray for and then look up verses that I can pray. The ones that really stick out I’ll share with the person who asked for the prayer request. It’s been an eye opener to see how the verses for the requests have prepared my heart for the next request. God is good!
He is a God of the details for sure and while this shouldn’t surprise me, it constantly does!
When needing to hear God’s word on a concern and you need it right now, there is a wonderful little book called God’s Promises For Your Every Need.
I get a quick relief that I need then I take a deep breath and go to the Bible to search deeper into his word. It really helps to get that quick reassurance when you are suffering.
Thank you for the recommendation – I always love to hear about a new book I need!!! Sounds like a good one
I just found your blog via Hometalk. I LOVE this application; I also love garage sales and the Bible. 🙂
I’m looking forward to digging deeper into your blog.
Sounds like we will be fast friends! I’m so glad you’re here!
I have the same problem with getting so distracted with SO many things. I bring a “focus” list, but still get overwhelmed, lol. Love your pictures. Thanks for sharing with Talk of the Town.
It’s hard to focus when things are so exciting to look at! Thanks for hopping over!
I like your philosophy of filtering on both counts! I know when I am searching for something in particular while junking I rarely find it. I have a mental list of stuff I never pass up, and it makes it easier.
Thanks for sharing at Talk of the Town.
Great idea and thank you God knows our abilities and will direct you
He is sooooo good!!!
I absolutely love the idea of study the Bible one topic at a time. This is the first year that I chose a word for myself. I chose change as I knew in my heart there would be changes for me and my family this year. Now i am going to do some research to find verses for my chosen word. Thanks for sharing.
That is a great idea! If we chose a word it certainly is a great way to explore it and see what God has to say about it. Change is hard but following the word will help you maneuver it!
I LOVED Your POST Today ????????♥️????Thank You FOR Sharing IT!! G-d♥️Bless
yay – I am so glad it spoke to you! have a wonderful day
What good advice all around! Thank you! Recently I have focused on verses that guide my blogging philosophy… and I’m glad to have found some!
Thank you so much for the emphasis on the Bible! Would love to see more of that on everyone’s post! Have a wonderful day!