You may have caught the live where I showed you all the cute neutral Halloween decor from Walmart, if not, check out that fun shopping trip here. Everyone loved the Halloween decorating items we found in the store so much I decided to round them up into one spot for you. I’m all about budget-friendly decor and if you can get it from the comfort of your couch I call that even better!
The Halloween decor at Walmart is seriously spot on this year, I love how they have really worked hard to get good-looking affordable decor in the store. I saw so many Halloween and fall decorating options that are less expensive dupes to big-name decor stores. That is great if you are on a budget or just don’t have the stomach to spend a ton on decorating! I’m cheap y’all!!!!
I’ve linked practically all of the items I saw in the store and loved plus a few more for ya! Why go search the aisles when your local store may be sold out? I did the hunting for you! I can’t wait to hear about what you grab and I’d love to see how you decorate for Halloween in your home – tag me on your favorite social so I can check it out please!?
neutral halloween decor from walmart
And if you’re searching around for other Halloween ideas and inspo, you can check out some of my personal favorites HERE!
I do not celebrate halloween. I believe it goes against God’s principals. I DO celebrate fall. Thank you for your time.