Little ideas that tickle and nag and refuse to go away, should never be ignored, for in them lie the seeds of destiny.
-Farmer Hoggett from the movie Babe
Never underestimate the powerful truths tucked into children’s movies. They are written by crafty adults intent on entertaining kid and adult alike. Since the majority of movies I see these days are cartoon based or contain talking animals I have learned to look for the golden nuggets buried in each one. Honestly, kid movies are about the only heartfelt, lesson bearing thing left on the big screen. Babe is an older movie and it is a family favorite.
This line has graced my thoughts many times over the years. It just holds SO MUCH truth. Often we go through life wondering what it is we’re supposed to do when all along there is a tickle in our mind that we never scratch. That thing that won’t let us sleep, that creeps into our dreams when we do and holds our quiet moments ransom. That idea could be your answer.
You know what it is, or if you begin to pay attention you will recognize it. Let this be the month you give your idea some legs and let it run. Your destiny might just be at the finish line.
Please share if you feel inspired and be sure to let me know what idea is being stubborn and sticking around, I’d love to hear your thoughts!
Love the quote and I loved Babe. Pinning.
Such a great movie!!!! thanks for the share!
So very true. That picture of the little pigs gave me a good laugh and I needed it today.
Thank you
yay – love to laugh. It’s good thing too!
I love the quote. Babe is a wonderful movie.
It’s one of the best!!!
Wonderful quote! Love it.
Thanks Toni! Glad you liked it!
Love this quote as it is so true. I am getting better at listening to that voice! Thank you for linking up to the Talk of the Town link party!
Our inside voice has more power than we know
What a great quote! I’m going to remember it each month when I set my goals. Thanks so much for linking with Waiting On…Wednesday!
It is good for goals, we need to listen to ourselves more!