This young lady is a bundle of delight and smiles. To be around her will light up your day, she truly overflows with love and sunshine is always on her face. Lanissa is the head of Becoming Ministries, a beautiful ministry for young women, please visit her sight and pass it on to a young woman in your life! Here are some encouraging words AND a free gift from my precious friend:
Hi Hunt and Host friends! My name is Lanissa and maybe like some of you, this time of year starts to feel like everything is slowly crashing in on me. Ha! The goals I want to accomplish (& it’s already July! Ah!), the endless list of to-dos around the house, people on the teams I oversee are getting busy for summer so that brings more work & sometimes stress, etc. etc. etc.
What does Summer 2017 look like for you? Is your schedule or mind crowded and are you craving some refreshment for your soul? You’re not alone, friends and today can be the day you receive all that you truly need.
“Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him. He alone is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will never be shaken.” Psalm 62:5-6
Oh, the sigh of relief that comes over me when I read this Scripture. Recently, my husband and I went through a situation where we were pursuing an opportunity we felt the Lord was giving us the “okay” on and then when the decision making time came – the door suddenly CLOSED right in our faces. We had poured our hearts, prayers and time into this opportunity and then out of no where, the door was closed.
It took us by such surprise and we were both heartbroken. In my husband’s words- ‘it felt like we had been broken up with’, haha. Something we put such hope in, suddenly shifted from underneath our feet. Ever been there?
That’s why I love this passage of Scripture- “find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from Him”. Key word for me? Alone. It can be so easy to place our hope in things we feel are so certain, but at the end of the day the only firm foundation is the Lord. The only place my soul will be satisfied, fulfilled, at rest and full of hope is in Him.
Friends, we are going to face seasons and situations that are just plain hard. That’s the simplest way to put it. But those seasons are actually full of opportunity for us to dig our roots deeper into our one foundation. An opportunity for us to swim upstream a bit with our faith and pursue Christ, even when we feel messy and life around us is hard.
My husband and I can now look back at that situation and know that the Lord was closing that door for a reason, even if we don’t know what it is. But now, we have the opportunity to firm up our stance in Christ and move forward. We have to, because we know the best is yet to come.
So whatever your season looks like, whether it’s pursuing a dream, trying to survive summer with all your kiddos at home or going through a hard situation emotionally or physically- receive His unending grace. Grace to not have it all together, grace to fall short and get back up again, grace to come as you are and receive exactly what you need.
The truth is, BECAUSE of the grace of God through Christ, when He looks at you: you are not a mess. You aren’t a disappointment. You haven’t waited too long & missed your opportunity. You have not failed at being a wife or mama or friend or daughter. And you are never, too far to receive the redeeming and refreshing love of Christ.
Be encouraged today friends, we’re all on this journey together. SOOO, I want to resource you with a fun and FREE downloadable print full of scriptures, encouragements and prayers to use when life gets hard- no matter the situation. Please download it and share it with a friend!
Lanissa Spoon
Becoming Ministries
Lanissa Spoon is a 20something who started mentoring young women over 8 years ago and, after graduating with a Bachelor in Ministerial Leadership, started Becoming Ministries. Becoming exists to celebrate & empower young women to get comfortable in their own skin and BUY into the process of life God has in store for them.
Lanissa enjoys writing, speaking, baking, spending time outdoors (EXCEPT RUNNING) and laughing/loving with her friends and newlywed hubby Ryan. She secretly wishes she was funny enough to be a comedian, but appreciates her husband for loving her anyways.
Lanissa loves nothing more than seeing teen-20something women come to the realization that God wants to do something powerful in their life, starting now & then letting Him.
Visit her on Instagram here: Becoming Ministries or Lanissa Spoon
Thanks for the encouragement. I will be praying for Lanissa and her ministry! Blessings!
She is a doll and I know will appreciate your prayers
Love this … already sent to others!
Thx kim!
thank you friend!
Thank you so much Barbara, I’m so glad it encouraged you!! I SO appreciate the prayers- please and thank you!!!! haha <3
Anne, thank you SO much for sharing!!! I’m so so glad you enjoyed this post! <3
Kim, thank you SOO much for featuring me and letting me share on your beautiful blog. It was truly an honor! Love you so much friend!
love you sweet friend!