I’ve been wanting to create a floral gallery wall for a while now. It just seems kinda dreamy and feminine and you guys know, I am adding those kinds of touches to my home these days! So when I ran across a gorgeous, original chalk piece in Round Top a couple months ago, I knew it was a sign from the Heavens to get started!
And from that point, the hunt was on for the perfect pieces to complete my dream wall! At this point in time, I still wasn’t 1000% sure where it was going to go, but we’ll get to that later!
As it always does, the puzzle pieces all fell into place and it just started coming together! I will say, even though I found some amazing anchor pieces, this wall still is and will remain a work in progress for the foreseeable future! Isn’t that some of the fun, though? Now I will have something to hunt for when I go thrifting, outside of the normal list, like brown bottles, brown transferware and the usual silver!
I’ve said this before and I will die on this hill, but not everything has to come together at the same time and right away. I know it can be challenging, but sometimes we need to sit with things and let is happen to us, not the other way around! And when it came time to start the floral wall, that is exactly what I did when trying to decide where I wanted it to go!
My breakfast nook area has had those vegetable prints behind the couch for some time now, and honestly, it felt like time for a change there, and what better place for a gorgeous floral wall and a statement!! So those veggie prints moved to my dining room for now, and it was time to let the fun begin!
As I said before, that big, gorgeous chalk artwork was my anchor and I wanted everything to flow around that! Really, there is no rhyme or reason for how I put these pieces up, I just went with my heart, and well, I don’t think it failed me!
Nonetheless, I absolutely LOVE this little wall, and reclaiming my home since my divorce has felt so good! Projects like these make up some of the pieces that are slowly putting me back together, truly! And now I have a beautiful start to a floral wall and a new thing to be on the lookout for when I’m out and about! This wall will likely shuffle and shift around over the years to come, making it better, improving, kind of like we all do– and I think that’s beautiful!
I love the floral wall. Great idea!!
I change my ideas on my walls just keep the nails in the same place for awhile.
Your sharing you most personal everyday life experiences hit home for me.
I have been so wind tattered from life’s challenges from relationships. I sometimes want to just stay in my apartment and hibernate. But my daughter keeps me busy watching the dog and helping to be a taxi cab and friend to my grandchildren.
It’s been since 1987 when I went thru the massive upheaval in my life.
My then husband would have friends ( lady friends) at each church we were pastoring. I first said what’s wrong with me. I want to be his best fr but he always was wanting to share with other women. Hurtful
But I look back now and say I am in the best years of my life at having learned God is my true source !!! No matter what comes my way I turn to my husband, father, best friend, provider, physician, and so much more then people can give.
It’s Truely a pleasure to watch what God is doing in your life!! I enjoy your salvage living decorating and ideas you share.
I thank the Lord you have come my way!!!
Thank you Kim. May the Lord continue to meet your every need and desires❤️❤️❤️❤️
Marilyn – you are so kind and a joy to walk with! Thank you for being here and sharing your heart. I am so sorry for the challenges you have faced, but love the fact that they have drawn you closer to God. God is so abundantly good it is crazy and He indeed is our all. Hugs
I love your vegetable prints. They are by Philippe-Victoire Leveque de Vilmorin. Your wall color really makes them stand out.
wow – thank you for that info Julie, so cool that you know that!