Y’all are gonna flip at how cute these Easter bunny eggs are. I’ve always thought it was a stretch to put eggs and bunnies together for holiday mascots but this little craft might just blend the two perfectly!
As always this is a budget friendly Easter craft for adults or kids, just have fun with it! I grabbed some wooden eggs from the dollar spot at Target. They had them in white, wood and chalkboard black. Side note: these would look great as is in a bowl for simple Easter decor! I couldn’t pass them up but I will say I found the dozen white eggs in the craft section for $3 while a half dozen white in the dollar bins where $3 as well – it pays to look around! The more expensive ones are wooden and have a flat bottom, the others are hard but circular all around.
If you have Styrofoam or other types of eggs to work with pain them a solid color first, I think white, black, brown or cream look best – your basic bunny colors!
Next get some scraps of felt or stiff fabric to cut the ears from. Fold your fabric and cut out ear shapes, a little longer than you want them to be. By folding you assure the ears are the same! I used a pink sharpie to add some color in the ears, you could paint it as well. Cut a small slit in the bottom center of each ear.
Use a hot glue gun to secure the ears to the egg by folding it in a little at the base for a curved ear. Next use a fine tipped Sharpie to draw little bunny faces on your bunny eggs.
That’s the basic and you can go crazy from there! Add bow ties, hair bows, cotton tails or whatever else brings your bunny to life. Make fabric rosettes for a sweet touch using this tutorial!Display these little friends in an egg crate, in egg cups, sitting in a potted plant or anywhere you want to scatter a touch of Easter joy. And now you know where the egg and the bunny come from – a bunny egg! Share on Pinterest for other crafters to see:
HI! Great idea. They are absolutely adorable! I love them all, but got the biggest chuckle from your son’s bunny. CUTE! You’re all so talented! 🙂
He is such a mess, lol!!! such a cutie though!
Very cute. (The bunny eggs AND the kiddos!) A great project for kids to do. And wooden eggs–no breakage!
yes yay on the no break!!!
Kim, I think your wooden trays might be candy molds. I saw some metal ones @ a resale ship about same size & age. That is what they were marked, but your wooden ones are so much cuter
maybe so! whatever they are I love them lol!