I find replacing door hardware is not something people often jump to as a first in home renovations. And ever since replacing mine, I'm kind of wondering why not! Replacing door hardware can change the entire space in a matter of minutes, and it's an easy to-do!! Believe it or not, I had NEVER done it before THIS project... and yet here I am, about to tell you how to replace door hardware like a pro! door hardware basics Before we do ANYTHING, let's get some basics out of the ... continue reading...
Vintage-Inspired Swan Decor
Something about vintage-inspired swan decor makes my heart SO happy. Maybe because it feels whimsical, or because it really is just simply beautiful, but I can't get enough of it-- wallpapers, planters, figurines, wall art, all of it! Of course there is likely a point where you can have too much swan decor, but I think here and there is the perfect amount of whimsical beauty for any home! With that said, I've been on the hunt for some of the best vintage-inspired swan decor and I ... continue reading...
Creating a Vintage Mood Board
By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail is a famous quote by Benjamin Franklin. Creating a vintage mood board is the perfect preparation to design and implement home decor you love and adore. You could call it the ultimate plan for success, old Ben would be happy with us. I'm so excited that Carpet One Floor & Home invited me to check out some gorgeous samples in celebration of their 2023 Floorcast. Basically, I got to plan for success with some of the latest designs in flooring and ... continue reading...
Marble Top Entryway Tables for a Vintage Vibe
I have a marble top entryway table passed down from my Grandmother and it's one of my most treasured pieces. Obviously, I love it simply because it came from her... but truly it's just a stunning piece! I love that it's unique and it fits right in with my love for all things vintage. Of course, not all of our Grandmother's passed down vintage entryway tables, but I HAVE rounded up a few marble top entryway tables for a vintage vibe... just like mine!! marble top entryway ... continue reading...
Favorite Green Colors for Interior Paint
Any time you're trying to decide on new paint colors, it's important to go out into the world and get some inspo first! Well.. you don't ACTUALLY have to go out into the world, just online! But nonetheless, you need to dig around and dive into the interwebs to see what you like, what you don't! The easiest way to do this is take a trip to Pinterest or instagram and type in what you're looking for. It could be something like "Favorite green colors for interior paint" or even something more ... continue reading...
Best Moving Tips: From a Moving Company
Moving is hard work! Having recently moved, it's fresh on the brain just HOW hard it really is. I have since shared my own personal moving tips and tricks with you (which you can find HERE) and while I think I've got some good insight in there, it got me thinking... what do MOVERS think about moving?? Doing this for a living, they've got to have some insight I don't, right? So I decided to reach out to my moving company, Today Movers, and ask-- and they delivered!! So here it is, Best Moving ... continue reading...
All About Summer Inspiration
I've said it before, and I'll say it again-- decorating is easy once you get started. It's the getting started that can be hard. Of course, for holidays like July 4th and Memorial Day, it's easy to know just what decor to pull out of the closet. But, and I've heard this from SO many others, August is a tough one. Not much is happening... it's time to put away the patriotic decor (at least to an extent), but not quite time to break out the pumpkins. I think this is why so many stores and ... continue reading...
DIY Interior Cat Door
If you have cats, and especially if you have cats AND dogs, you probably relate to the need of an interior cat door. Personally, I have 3 cats and 3 dogs, so it's basically a zoo around here... dogs chasing cats 24/7. Spoiler alert, the old stereotype is true. And because I do love my animals, and realize the cats need an escape, this DIY interior cat door has been on the to-do list for a while now. Not only does it allow the cats a peaceful place to get away, but I can also hide away the cat ... continue reading...
The Tool Everyone Needs
There are SO many tools out there. I consider myself pretty handy and even then, I don't own or probably even know about half of them. But that's ok-- we don't have to know it all. We just need a couple go-tos that do the main things! And today I'm about to tell you about a recent find of mine, the tool that EVERYONE needs! Now I know that's a pretty BIG statement, but I've got the proof, just stick around. I'm going to tell you all the ways you can use this tool, and all the ... continue reading...
How to Easily Fill Nail Holes in Your Wall
This post is sponsored by Hammer Fist. All thoughts and opinions are my own. You know that saying... "Life is too short, eat the dang cookie?" It's REALLY easy to forget that, even for me. I sometimes start to get caught up in the little things, and I just need to be pointed back in the right direction, a nudge if you will. And I think you need it too, I mean we all do at some point. I've heard (probably more times than I can count), "I just can't hang that, what if I mess up?" or "What ... continue reading...