What happened to your joy? Have you ever asked yourself this question? Like a puff of smoke joy seems to escape sometimes. Oh, I'm sure it's more of a gradual exit than that, but it feels as if suddenly you look up and the walls are crumbling around you. Things were going so good, life was chugging along and then BOOM- darkness sets in. It could be triggered by an event...death, divorce, job loss, sickness. Maybe something less traumatic invaded your space like the invitation you ... continue reading...
Dollar Store Halloween Table Decorations
Dollar store Halloween table decorations are easy, fun and obviously great for a budget, today I am sharing a cute table for your family to enjoy! This entire month I have felt so behind! Do you ever feel that way? My to do list is longer than the hours available and those are the times that my family usually bears the brunt of my splintered time. I'm sad to say they get pushed to the back burner sometimes. As I was talking with a friend this week she renewed a spirit in me. You see, she ... continue reading...
A Huge Chalkboard and Huge Chalkboard Lettering Tutorial
There have been a number of chalkboard projects flying around our house lately. Chalkboards aren't exactly new, but they really are so much fun! Especially when it's a huge chalkboard with huge chalkboard lettering going on! A while back I was picking the kids up from school when a giant stack of window screens begged me to take them home. I heard them whistle at me as I drove by. Luckily I had my husband's truck and I loaded up about 10 of these cast off screens. I think they surrounded an ... continue reading...
Glam Nightstand for an Almost Teenage Girl’s Bedroom
When I was a kid teen rooms all looked the same...posters yanked from the latest Teen Beat magazine papered the walls. Something was fluorescent colored and if you were lucky you had your own phone complete with your very own phone line. Mine was pink and sat next to my jam box. These days kids actually have decorated rooms that feel way more grown up. Forget a land line they have iPhones and tablets. My daughter's room has gone through changes over the years and I can happily say we aren't ... continue reading...
Halloween Chair Covers: Bootiful Halloween Idea
Ya'll, around here we love Halloween décor. Well, any holiday décor really! I have to show you the most precious Halloween idea...bootiful chair covers. Remember when I told you I wasn't feeling the love for all the wood in my dining room? I made some sweet, neutral chair covers to change up the look a bit. Well...how about these bootiful (sorry, I had to) Halloween designs! You can add some whimsy to your dining area with these easy to make chair covers. Follow the directions from my ... continue reading...
New Neutral Rug Selection
We have a winner...our new neutral rug came in and we love it! You guys have been so sweet to share your thoughts and ideas on which rug would fit our space best! We chose the Vizier Area Jute Rug to replace the shedding, matted trampled on rug we had before. I am so grateful to Home Decorators Collection for sponsoring this rug journey. They provided the rug, I am providing the feedback! Please know all selections and opinions are 100% my own! SO MANY of you thought that B (the damask rug) ... continue reading...
Tips for Navigating Round Top Antiques Week
Tips For Navigating Round Top Antiques Week For Newbies or if You Only Have One Day! Another event has come and gone. Round Top Antiques Week has become a living breathing thing. It is growing faster than a toddler blows through clothes. As I walked my familiar haunts this year I noticed changes, some subtle and some loud. I suppose if it was your first venture you wouldn't know any difference, but I have been making the bi-annual jaunt for over ten years now. While some things have changed ... continue reading...
My Favorite Neutral Rug Choices
I am about to say four words that are hard to let loose...I made a mistake. It's true. When I picked the rug in our living room about four years ago I made a bad choice. I was all in love with it's bog loopy texture and slightly modern feel. But this rug was all wrong for us. We actually live life in this room. My husband works out on this rug every day. (you can see a glimmer of it's original glory in this section that was hidden under the couch...) It gets some massive wear and tear. ... continue reading...
Homemade Mini Cloche
This quick and easy homemade mini cloche will have you doin' fancy decorating in no time! You only need three things to complete this little project that packs a punch. Mini Cloche Supply List: (the following are affiliate links which means should you purchase something I will make a small commission, your price stays exactly the same!) Glasses Glue Old (or new) hardware Simply apply a small amount of glue to the know and press in place on the bottom of your glass. Allow to dry ... continue reading...