Do you wonder how to get the smell out of old things like dressers, furniture, wood, cabinets, books, suitcases, trunks and boxes? Well I had the same question! I recently had a pretty good garage sale haul and got a magnificent old box, but it was smelly. So I asked around and got a list of options on how to get the smell out of my thrifted finds! Since you guys are my junk lovin’ friends, I knew you would like a handy list to help you de-funk your finds as well! So here it is…
Now, I haven’t tried all of these methods personally, but many have been recommended by more than one person. I have used a few successfully myself too. You will have to find the solution that fits your item and situation best and it may take a mix up of a few suggestions to actually do the trick. If you are working on a smaller item like a book, place it in a large container, tub or plastic bag for some of the ideas below. I’d love to hear your feedback, additional suggestions and success/fail stories! Comment below on them so we can help each other. I added links to some suggestions to help you find products easily.
How to Get the Smell Out Of Old Items
- Place a box of Baking Soda in your box/furniture/item and leave it for a few days to absorb the odor.
- Add moth balls (personally I am not so sure on this one, but let me know!)
- Stink Slayer – this spray claims to de-stink skunk sprays so it should work on grandma’s goodies too!
- Leave a layer of fresh ground coffee in your item. An added bonus would be to layer newspaper over it.
- Add activated charcoal to your treasure and let it work for a few days absorbing the smell of years past.
- Try a cup of Borax, left to work on its own for a few days.
- Soak a sponge in vinegar (or spray vinegar depending on the surface of your item), cover it with baking soda and leave it closed up for two days. Follow up with a spell sitting in the sun. Bonus: leave a dryer sheet in it for the sun soaking part!
- Spray with Vodka and leave it in the sun to dry out.
- Try sporiciden – an item you can order online or find at Walmart – it is a disinfectant.
- Add laundry beads and dryer sheets and let it sit for a few days for a fresh scent.
- Leave a bowl of vanilla extract in the item.
- Add a sliced onion inside your item to absorb the odors.
- Sprinkle with clove essentials oils and let them do their magic for a few days.
- Place a bowl of kitty litter inside to capture the smells.
- Wash with Irish Spring Soap to clean out the stench.
- Try Dixie Bell Paint Co. products, like this paint that shields smells.
- Try Wise Oil Furniture Salve over wood to dismiss odors.
- Use a piece of cedar inside when storing and to remove odors.
- Ball up newspaper and let it absorb nasty smells, leave it for a few days to do the job. Bonus – spray the paper with Febreeze.
- OdoBan Spray
- Wipe/Spray Pine Sol and let it have a good turn in the sun for odor elimination.
- Wipe out with apple cider vinegar.
- Cut an apple and leave it to soak up the stink.
- Use a coat of Listerine for odor eradication.
- Fill up your find with orange peels for a fresh scent.
As you can see there are a lot of things you can try to find the perfect solution to your stinky situation. I really can’t wait to hear what works the best for you! Have a great solution to add to the list…let me know in the comments! Pin this for all your future smelly thrifted finds!
Thank you so much for the tips!!
I have personally used charcoal. I had fresh shrimp in my car and the bag leaked on the carpet. I did not realize for a few days while on vacation in the sun……but PPPPUUUUU!!!
I cleaned well and have brickets of charcoal on my car floor for a month and it dissipated the smell!!!
oh wowo – what a mess, so glad it worked for you!!!
I have used charcoal, newspaper, dryer sheets – all worked pretty well. What actually worked the best was fresh air and sunshine! If the item is safe in the sun, I now try that first. Someone once suggested I cut open a potato and leave it in the box I had bought. I did. I forgot to take it out for a couple of weeks. Learn from my error – do not do this!!! If you can’t take the potato out in a couple of days, try another method.
We used a cut onion in a room with new carpet. Closed the door for several days, and the glue/artificial odor was gone.
what a great tip – thank you so much!!!